Monday, 17 December 2012


Installation by: Aisha Fouad

implicit ---> explicit

'Still' means distillate. But it could also refer to a snapshot or still life. Or a memory. 
For this project, I have been making disillates of memories from my grandfather's garden. 

Taste and smell are an important catalyst for invoking memories. Making liquors of my grandfather's garden seemed an appropriate and accurate way to capture and display the particular garden. My grandfather himself also made stills of his garden. He would make embroideries, some more than 3 meters high. Both embroidery as making liquor takes time and requires patience.

The end result is four sweet liquors, based on four stories about the garden: a plum (Mirabelles '76), a rose liquor (Picking the Roses), an oak/hazel liquor (Under Leeuwke's Oak) and a Sunflower/lavender liquor (5 Sunflowers). The liquors are safely made with the advice of a chemistry professor and a professional liquor maker I met along the way. 

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